We study the convolutional phase retrieval problem, of recovering an unknown signal x ∈ C n from m measurements consisting of the magnitude of its cyclic convolution with a given kernel a ∈ C m . This model is motivated by applications such as channel estimation, optics, and underwater acoustic communication, where the signal of interest is acted on by a given channel/filter, and phase information is difficult or impossible to acquire. We show that when a is random and the number of observations m is sufficiently large, with high probability x can be efficiently recovered up to a global phase shift using a combination of spectral initialization and generalized gradient descent. The main challenge is coping with dependencies in the measurement operator. We overcome this challenge by using ideas from decoupling theory, suprema of chaos processes and the restricted isometry property of random circulant matrices, and recent analysis of alternating minimization methods. ). Most of the work has been conducted when QQ and YZ were with Department of Electrical Engineering and Data Science Institute at Columbia University. An extended abstract of the current work has appeared in NeurIPS'17 [1]. 1 The convolution can be written in matrix-vector form as a x = Caιn→mx, where Ca ∈ R m×m denotes the circulant matrix generated by a and ιn→m is a zero padding operator. In other words, a x = Ax with A ∈ C m×n being a matrix formed by the first n columns of Ca. arXiv:1712.00716v3 [stat.CO] 6 Oct 2019Structured random measurements. The study of structured random measurements in signal processing has quite a long history [44]. For compressed sensing [45], the work [46-48] studied random Fourier measurements, and later [13,14] proved similar results for partial random convolution measurements. However, the study of structured random measurements for phase retrieval is still quite limited. In particular, [49] and [50] studied t-designs and coded diffraction patterns (i.e., random masked Fourier measurements) using semidefinite programming. Recent work studied nonconvex optimization using coded diffraction patterns [34] and STFT measurements [51], both of which minimize a nonconvex objective similar to (1.5). These measurement models are motivated by different applications. For instance, coded diffraction is designed for imaging applications such as X-ray diffraction imaging, STFT can be applied to frequency resolved optical gating [52] and some speech processing tasks [53]. Both of the results show iterative contraction in a region that is at most O(1/ √ n)-close to the optimum. Unfortunately, for both results either the radius of the contraction region is not large enough for initialization to reach, or they require extra artificial technique such as resampling the data. In comparison, the contraction region we show for the random convolutional model is larger O(1/polylog(n)), which is achievable in the initialization stage via the spectral method. For a more detailed review of this subject, we refer the readers to Section 4 of [44]....