We present theoretical and laboratory experimental results on a robust interferometric device based on pupil inversion, or 180° rotational shearing interferometry. The image of an astronomical object degraded by the atmosphere turbulence can be restored (ideally up to the diffraction limit) by a numerical post-processing of the interferogram. Unlike previous Michelson configurations that return half of the light to the sky, the Mach-Zehnder interferometer has no fundamental losses when both outputs are used. The interferogram is formed by two overlapped images of the telescope pupil, but one of them is spatially inverted, and out of phase by π/2 only in its half. This optical operation is achieved in a robust way by inserting a refractive optical image inverter and a binary phase plate in one of the arms of the interferometer. In this way, the system has no polarization dependence or moving parts since the plate allows the object to be retrieved numerically from just one interferogram (single exposition) or a few independent interferograms. For that, several algorithms are proposed. Likewise, we include a laboratory proof-of-concept in which a diffraction-limited image is obtained in spite of presence of aberrations and photon noise.