A Monte Carlo model is applied to determinate the steady state, solar-weighted optical properties of potential thermotrvpic composite materials for overheat protection of polymer solar absorbers. The key results are dimensionless plots of normal-hemispherical transmittance, reflectance and absorptance as a function of particle size parameter, scattering albedo, and over-all optical thickness. The optical behavior of thermotropic materials at different temperatwes is represented by a change in the relative refractive index which affects the scattering albedo and optical thickness. At low temperatures where overheat protection is not requir'ed, referr'ed to as the clear state, the over-all optical thickness should be less than 0.3 to ensure high transmittance for the preferred particle size parameter of 2. At higher temperatures where overheat protection is requir-ed, referred to as the translucent state, the overall optical thickness should be greater than 10 and the scattering albedo should be greater than 0.995 to achieve 50% reflectance. A case study of low molecular weighted polyethylene in poly(methyl methacrylate) is presented to illustr-ate use of the r-esults to guide the design of thermotropic materials.