Abstract.It is argued that a new mechanism and many-body theory of superconductivity are required for doped correlated insulators. Here we review the essential features of and the experimental support for such a theory, in which the physics is driven by the kinetic energy.
I INTRODUCTIONHigh temperature superconductivity [1] is obtained by adding charge carriers into a highly-correlated antiferromagnetic insulating state. Despite the fact that there is a large "Fermi surface" containing all of the pre-existing holes and the doped holes, [2] it is impossible to understand the behavior of the system and, in particular, the origin of high temperature superconductivity unless the nature of the dopedinsulating state is incorporated into the theory. In particular, the Fermi liquid theory of the normal state and the BCS theory of the superconducting state, which are so successful for conventional metals, were not designed for doped insulators, and they do not apply to the high temperature superconductors. (Section II.) Consequently it is necessary to develop a new mechanism and many-body theory of high temperature superconductivity.In our view, the physics of the insulator and the doped insulator, including antiferromagnetism and superconductivity, is driven by a lowering of the zeropoint kinetic energy.[3] This is well known for the antiferromagnetic state but, in addition, the motion of a single hole in an antiferromagnet is frustrated because it stirs up the spins and creates strings of ferromagnetic bonds. Consequently, a finite density of holes forms self-organized structures, designed to lower the zero-point kinetic energy. This is accomplished in three stages: a) the formation of charge inhomogeneity (stripes), b) the creation of local spin pairs, and c) the establishment of a phase-coherent high-temperature superconducting state. The zero-point kinetic