We examine waves localized near a boundary between two weakly segregated Bose-Einstein condensates. In the case of a wavelength of order of or larger than the thickness of the overlap region the variational method is used. The dispersion laws for the two oscillation branches are found in analytic form. The opposite case of a wavelength much shorter than the healing length in the bulk condensate is also discussed.PACS numbers: 03.75. Fi, 05.30.Jp, The studies of mixtures of two superfluid Bose liquids ascend to the early work by Khalatnikov [1] who determined the possible sound modes in such a system within a macroscopic (hydrodynamical) approach. Later a microscopic theory was developed: Bassichis [2] considered a neutral mixture of two charged Bose gases with Coulomb interactions, and Nepomnyashchii [3] considered a system composed of bosons of two kinds interacting via shortrange potentials. In Ref.[3], most closely related to the case of a two-component degenerate dilute atomic vapor, the two-branch spectrum of elementary excitations and following from it criterion for stability of the ground state were found.The advances in experiments on Bose-Einstein condensation of trapped alkali atoms gave rise to an interest to this subject. The ground state configuration of a two-component atomic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in the presence of a harmonic confining potential at zero temperature was calculated by Ho and Shenoy [4] in the Thomas-Fermi limit. The collective oscillation frequencies for trapped binary BECs were also determined [5][6][7]. Interesting numerical results are obtained by Pu and Bigelow [8]. These studies reveal that if the number of trapped atoms of each kind is large enough, the ground state physics can be qualitatively understood from the arguments valid for a case of absence of a trap [3]. In the latter case, the ground state properties are determined by a certain relation between the coupling constants. Namely, if the intercomponent repulsion (we do not consider attractive potentials in the present paper) is small enough, i.e., if g 12 < √ g 11 g 22 , where g ij = 2πh[m i m j /(m i + m j )] −1 a ij , a ij is the corresponding s-wave scattering length of a pair of ultracold atoms when one of them is of the jth kind and another is of the ith kind, m j is the mass of an atom for the jth component of the mixed BEC, i j = 1, 2, then the two degenerate Bose gases are miscible, i.e. they co-exist in all the volume. In the opposite case, g 12 > √ g 11 g 22 , the two components are immiscible and separated in space. In the latter case, a new physics related to the intercomponent boundary arises. The steady-state energetics of such an interface was estimated by Timmermans [9]. Ao and Chui [10] performed more detailed analysis, in particular, they found that there are two different regimes called, correspondingly, weakly and strongly segregated phase. The former one takes place if g 12 exceeds √ g 11 g 22 only slightly. In such a case the component interpenetration depth is quite large and proportiona...