We construct a solution of an analogue of the Schrödinger equation for the Hamiltonian H 1 (z, t, q 1 , q 2 , p 1 , p 2 ) corresponding to the second equation P 2 1 in the Painlevé I hierarchy. This solution is obtained by an explicit change of variables from a solution of systems of linear equations whose compatibility condition is the ordinary differential equation P 2 1 with respect to z . This solution also satisfies an analogue of the Schrödinger equation corresponding to the Hamiltonian H 2 (z, t, q 1 , q 2 , p 1 , p 2 ) of a Hamiltonian system with respect to t compatible with P 2 1 . A similar situation occurs for the P 2 2 equation in the Painlevé II hierarchy.For all of the six Painlevé ordinary differential equations (ODEs) q zz = f (z, q, q z ), an explicit change in the solutions of the corresponding pairs of linear systems of the isomonodromic deformation method (IDM) given in Garnier's paper [1] yields solutions of the equations (see [2] and [3])(see also the beginning of the conclusion of this paper). These equations are determined by the Hamiltonians H = H(z, q, p) of Hamiltonian systems q z = H p (z, q, p) and p z = −H q (z, q, p); the Hamiltonians are quadratic in the momenta p, and eliminating p from the systems, we obtain the six Painlevé ODEs. From the Schrödinger equationswhich depend on the Planck constant h = 2π = −2πiε, the six evolution equations (1) are obtained by the formal change ε = 1. (In the cases of the Painlevé III and V equations, expressions given in [2] and [3] contain inaccuracies, which, however, are easy to correct.) Note that, for the ODEs obtained from the first and second Painlevé equations, the corresponding IDM equations can be rescaled into compatible systems of linear ODEs, which determine, for any fixed complex number ε, exact solutions of Eqs. (2) with Hamiltonians H depending on ε. Let us clarify this point. The pair of Garnier IDM equations [1] for the ODE(the a j are any constants), whose special cases are the first and second Painlevé equations, has the form W yy = P (τ, y)W, W τ = B(τ, y)W y − 1 2 B y (τ, y)W, (4) *