“…Like VIP neurons, GRP neurons in the mature SCN are retino‐recipient (Drouyer et al., ; Fernandez, Chang, Hattar & Chen, ; Karatsoreos, Yan, LeSauter & Silver, ; Lokshin, LeSauter & Silver, ; Tanaka et al, ) and display light‐induced increases in firing rate, immediate early gene expression, and neuropeptide release (Earnest, DiGiorgio & Olschowka, ; Francl et al., ; Gamble, Kudo, Colwell & McMahon, ; Guillaumond et al., ; Lesauter, Silver, Cloues & Witkovsky, ; Romijn, Sluiter, Pool, Wortel & Buijs, ). In addition, potential interactions between GRP and VIP are illustrated by their co‐expression in a subset of SCN neurons (Okamura et al, ; Romijn, Sluiter, Wortel, Van Uum & Buijs, ) and synergistic responses to GRP and VIP co‐administration (Albers Liou, Stopa, & Zoeller, 1991; Albers et al, ; Chan et al, ). Furthermore, BB2 signalling can synchronize SCN neurons in the absence of VIP signalling (Brown et al, ; Maywood et al., ).…”