We demonstrate second harmonic generation performed with optical vortices with different topological charges imprinted on orthogonal polarizations. Besides the intuitive charge doubling, we implement arbitrary topological charge addition on the second harmonic field using polarization as an auxiliary parameter.Besides their intrinsic beauty, optical beams carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) have proved to be a powerful tool for encoding and processing quantum information. First order Laguerre-Gaussian and Hermite-Gaussian (HG) modes carry the mathematical structure of a qubit [1] and allow for a two-qubit encoding when combined with polarization of a single photon. The interplay between the two degrees of freedom leads to interesting applications, including topological phases [2,3], quantum cryptography [4][5][6], Bell inequalities [7-9], quantum logic gates [10][11][12], and quantum teleportation [13][14][15]. Polarization controlled spatial correlations between entangled photon pairs were first demonstrated in [16,17]. Nowadays, a