Dwarf spheroidal galaxies provide well-known challenges to the standard cold and collisionless dark matter scenario [1, 2]: The too-big-to-fail problem, namely the mismatch between the observed mass enclosed within the half-light radius of dwarf spheroidals [3, 4] and cold dark matter N-body predictions [5,6]; The hints for inner constant-density cores [7][8][9][10]. While these controversies may be alleviated by baryonic physics and environmental effects [11][12][13][14][15], revisiting the standard lore of cold and collisionless dark matter remains an intriguing possibility. Self-interacting dark matter [16,17] may be the successful proposal to such a small-scale crisis [18,19]. Self-interactions correlate dark matter and baryon distributions, allowing for constant-density cores in low surface brightness galaxies [20][21][22][23]. Here we report the first data-driven study of the too-bigto-fail of Milky Way dwarf spheroidals within the self-interacting dark matter paradigm. We find good description of stellar kinematics and compatibility with the concentration-mass relation from the pure cold dark matter simulation in [24]. Within the latter, a subset of Milky Way dwarfs are well fitted by cross sections of 0.5-3 cm 2 /g, while others point to values greater than 10 cm 2 /g.
The internal dynamics of dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) of the Milky Way (MW)is commonly studied exploiting the kinematics of a stellar population of density ρ , in dynamical equilibrium under the gravitational potential governed by dark matter (DM), Φ DM . For a spherically symmetric steady-state system, the first moment of the collisionless Boltzmann equation for the stellar phase-space distribution takes the form:where the prime denotes logarithmic derivative in r. The stellar orbital anisotropy, β ≡ 1 − σ 2 t /σ 2 r , measures the deviation from isotropy in the stellar velocity dispersion tensor. Photometric observations of the surface brightness of these systems constrain ρ . Supplying