UDC 544.723.21 N. D. Lysenko, V. G. Il'in, and P. S. YaremovMicro-mesoporous materials combining the structural and sorption characteristics of a mesoporous molecular sieve (MMS) and zeolite BEA were obtained by the "dry gel conversion" method -partial zeolitization of silica MMS SBA-15 in the presence of tetraethylammonium hydroxide. The volume of the mesopores reaches 0.65 cm 3 /g, while that of the micropores is in the region of 0.1 cm 3 /g. The acidity of the obtained zeolitized materials differs from that of BEA; the total concentration of medium-strength acid centers (maximum thermal desorption of ammonia at~315°C) amounts to 0.15 mmol/g.Distinctive features of mesoporous molecular sieves (MMS) of the MCM-41, MCM-48, SBA-15, and SBA-16 types and their analogs are their spatial ordering, structural periodicity in the nanometer range of distances, uniform porosity (pore diameters from 2 to 10 nm or more, volumes of about 1 cm 3 /g), and developed surface area (up to 1200 m 2 /g) [1][2][3]. This would seem to make them extremely attractive as subjects for the investigation of adsorption processes and promising in respect of practical applications (adsorbents, ion exchangers, catalyst supports, photocatalysts, sensing elements, etc.). However, as a result of the amorphous state and the critically low degree of condensation (at a level of 50%) of the framework-forming substance siliceous MMSs have relatively low hydrolytic stability. Moreover, in spite of the significant porosity and the developed surface area aluminosilicate MMSs have acid centers with low concentrations and strengths compared with zeolites (Zt). It is also necessary to note the marked complexity of synthesis for ordered AlSi-MMSs with high Al contents as a consequence of destruction of the template micellar structures resulting from interaction of the compensating alkyltrimethylammonium cations with the anionic centers (AlO 4/2 )in the alkaline medium and the high solubility (and, accordingly, the reduced inclusion of Al in the framework) during synthesis in acidic reaction media (RM).An alternative to aluminosilicate mesoporous molecular sieves (AlSi-MMS) as the basis of catalysts may be provided by materials that combine the properties of the MMS (an open and penetrable sorption space) and the zeolite (crystallinity, microporosity, active adsorption, ion-exchange, and catalytic centers). Two main approaches to the formation of such hybrid and/or composite materials are possible. One involves the use of nanoparticles of the initial precursor sol of the Zt as starting material for the subsequent "assembly" and formation of the MMS structure in the presence of an appropriate structure-directing agent (a micellar template) [4][5][6][7]. The other approach presupposes partial zeolitization of the MMS in the so-called "dry gel conversion" process after preliminary impregnation with an aqueous solution of the organic template, which is required for the nucleation and formation of the crystallites of the Zt phase [5,[8][9][10].