The momentum-shell renormalization group ͑RG͒ is used to study the condensation of interacting Bose gases without and with disorder. First of all, for the homogeneous disorder-free Bose gas the interactioninduced shifts in the critical temperature and chemical potential are determined up to second order in the scattering length. The approach does not make use of dimensional reduction and is thus independent of previous derivations. Secondly, the RG is used together with the replica method to study the interacting Bose gas with delta-correlated disorder. The flow equations are derived and found to reduce, in the high-temperature limit, to the RG equations of the classical Landau-Ginzburg model with random-exchange defects. The random fixed point is used to calculate the condensation temperature under the combined influence of particle interactions and disorder.The realization of Bose-Einstein condensation in ultracold atomic gases has renewed the interest in the quantumstatistical properties of interacting Bose gases around the phase transition. One particular focus of theoretical work in this area concerns the calculation of the critical temperature T c of the homogeneous Bose gas as a function of the scattering length a. Due to its nonperturbative character, this apparently simple problem turned out to present a considerable theoretical challenge. For a long time, the leading-order functional dependence of the shift in T c on the scattering length remained highly controversial. It was even unclear whether the interactions lead to an upward or downward shift in the critical temperature ͓1͔. Only recently, a generally accepted result has emerged ͓2-4͔. It was shown that the critical temperature of an interacting Bose gas with spatial density n obeys the relation T c T c 0 = 1 + c 1 an 1/3 + ͓c 2 Ј ln͑an 1/3 ͒ + c 2 Љ͔a 2 n 2/3 + O͑a 3 n͒, ͑1͒where T c 0 denotes the critical temperature of an ideal Bose gas with the same density. To calculate the coefficients c i , one can make use of dimensional reduction ͓1,5͔ and perturbatively match the full quantum-mechanical problem to a classical field theory with a lower-͑i.e., three-͒ dimensional action ͓4͔. The coefficient c 2 Ј can then be determined by perturbation theory alone, whereas the evaluation of c 1 and c 2 Љ requires nonperturbative input from the classical theory. This input was calculated in Refs. ͓6-8͔ with so far unsurpassed accuracy by means of Monte Carlo lattice simulations.Even after the qualitative and quantitative behavior of the T c shift had been solidly established ͓2-4,6,8͔, a large number of papers continued to appear that presented further calculations of critical properties of interacting Bose gases. The main purpose of these works was not to correct or improve the previous results, but to introduce, test, and refine alternative approaches. The applied methods comprise, e.g., linear ␦ expansion ͓9-14͔, variational perturbation theory ͓15-17͔, and the exact renormalization group ͓18-20͔.The present paper follows this research line of investigat...