We consider a bivariate Markov chain Z = {Z k } k≥1 = {(X k , Y k )} k≥1 taking values on product space Z = X ×Y, where X is possibly uncountable space and Y = {1, . . . , |Y|} is a finite state-space. The purpose of the paper is to find sufficient conditions that guarantee the exponential convergence of smoothing, filtering and predictive probabilities:Here t ≥ s ≥ l ≥ 1, Ks is σ(Xs:∞)-measurable finite random variable and α ∈ (0, 1) is fixed. In the second part of the paper, we establish two-sided versions of the above-mentioned convergence. We show that the desired convergences hold under fairly general conditions. A special case of above-mentioned very general model is popular hidden Markov model (HMM). We prove that in HMM-case, our assumptions are more general than all similar mixing-type of conditions encountered in practice, yet relatively easy to verify.