Effect of exchange anisotropy on the relaxation time of spin and vector chirality is studied for the antiferromagnetic classical Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice by using the nonequilibrium relaxation Monte Carlo method. We identify the Berezinskii-KosterlitzThouless (BKT) transition and the chiral transition in a wide range of the anisotropy, even for very small anisotropy of ∼ 0.01%. As the anisotropy decreases, both the critical temperatures steeply decrease, while the BKT critical region becomes divergently wide. We elucidate a sharp "V shape" of the phase diagram around the isotropic Heisenberg point, which suggests that the isotropic case is exceptionally singular and the associated Z2 vortex transition will be isolated from the BKT and chiral transitions. We discuss the relevance of our results to peculiar behavior of the spin relaxation time observed experimentally in triangular antiferromagnets.KEYWORDS: geometrical frustration, triangular lattice, Heisenberg model, nonequilibrium relaxation, BKT transition, chiral transition, Z2 vortex transitionAntiferromagnet on the two-dimensional triangular lattice has been intensively studied as one of the most fundamental models for the geometrically frustrated systems.1 For the isotropic Heisenberg model with nearestneighbor interactions, it is believed that the ground state of the system exhibits a three-sublattice 120• long-range order, 2 whereas the magnetic ordering is no longer retained against thermal fluctuations.3 Nevertheless, an interesting possibility was proposed by Kawamura and Miyashita, 4, 5 that is, an unconventional topological transition at a finite temperature (T ) -Z 2 vortex transition. From the symmetry point of view, the Z 2 vortex transition is different from the conventional BerezinskiiKosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition which occurs in the presence of anisotropy. 6,7 The relation between these two topological transitions, however, is not fully understood yet. In particular, it is still unclear how the system behaves in the region of vanishing anisotropy.Experimentally, several materials with triangular layered structure have been studied, and recently, the Z 2 vortex attracts renewed interests for understanding of their peculiar properties. One of the peculiar properties is anomalous enhancement of the spin relaxation time. Critical divergence of the relaxation time is observed in an anomalously wide range of T in many compounds, such as ACrO 2 (A=Li,H,Na), [8][9][10][11] Li 7 RuO 6 ,
12and NiGa 2 S 4 . 13, 14 The critical behaviors are often argued to be a fingerprint of the Z 2 vortex transition. The Z 2 vortex, however, is a topological object specific to spin-rotational-invariant systems, and hence, it is not trivial whether its influence is observed in real compounds in which anisotropy exists.In this letter, to shed light on the origin of the anomalous critical behavior and its relation to the Z 2 vortex transition, we directly calculate the relaxation time in the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with classical spins ...