The new CPR guidelines are based on a scientific consensus which was reached by 281 international experts. Chest compressions (100/min, 4-5 cm deep) should be performed in a ratio of 30:2 with ventilation (tidal volume 500 ml, Ti 1 s, FIO2 if possible 1.0). After a single defibrillation attempt (initially biphasic 150-200 J, monophasic 360 J, subsequently with the respective highest energy), chest compressions are initiated again immediately for 2 min. Endotracheal intubation is the gold standard; other airway devices may be employed as well depending on individual skills. Drug administration routes for adults and children: first choice IV, second choice intraosseous, third choice endobronchial [epinephrine dose 2-3x (adults) or 10x (pediatric patients) higher than IV]. Vasopressors: 1 mg epinephrine every 3-5 min IV. After the third unsuccessful defibrillation attempt amiodarone IV (300 mg); repetition (150 mg) possible. Sodium bicarbonate (1 ml/kg 8.4%) only in excessive hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, or intoxication with tricyclic antidepressants. Consider atropine (3 mg) and aminophylline (5 mg/kg). Thrombolysis during spontaneous circulation only in myocardial infarction or massive pulmonary embolism; during CPR only during massive pulmonary embolism. Cardiopulmonary bypass only after cardiac surgery, hypothermia or intoxication. Pediatrics: best improvement in outcome by preventing cardiocirculatory collapse. Alternate chest thumps and chest compression (infants), or abdominal compressions (>1-year-old) in foreign body airway obstruction. Initially five breaths, followed by chest compressions (100/min; approximately 1/3 of chest diameter): ventilation ratio 15:2. Treatment of potentially reversible causes (4 "Hs", "HITS": hypoxia, hypovolemia, hypo- and hyperkaliemia, hypothermia, cardiac tamponade, intoxication, thrombo-embolism, tension pneumothorax). Epinephrine 10 microg/kg IV or intraosseously, or 100 microg (endobronchially) every 3-5 min. Defibrillation (4 J/kg; monophasic oder biphasic) followed by 2 min CPR, then ECG and pulse check. Newborns: inflate the lungs with bag-valve mask ventilation. If heart rate<60/min chest compressions:ventilation ratio 3:1 (120 chest compressions/min). Postresuscitation phase: initiate mild hypothermia [32-34 degrees C for 12-24 h; slow rewarming (<0.5 degrees C/h)]. Prediction of CPR outcome is not possible at the scene; determining neurological outcome within 72 h after cardiac arrest with evoked potentials, biochemical tests and physical examination. Even during low suspicion for an acute coronary syndrome, record a prehospital 12-lead ECG. In parallel to pain therapy, aspirin (160-325 mg PO or IV) and in addition clopidogrel (300 mg PO). As antithrombin, heparin (60 IU/kg, max. 4000 IU) or enoxaparine. In ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, define reperfusion strategy depending on duration of symptoms until PCI (prevent delay>90 min until PCI). Stroke is an emergency and needs to be treated in a stroke unit. A CT scan is the most important evaluation, ...