We study the scalar sector of the quasinormal modes of charged general relativistic, static and spherically symmetric black holes coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics and embedded in a class of scalar-tensor theories. It turns out that for certain values of the parameters unstable modes are present. This implies the existence of scalar-tensor black holes with primary hair that bifurcate from the embedded general relativistic black-hole solutions at critical values of the parameters corresponding to the static zero-modes. We prove that such scalar-tensor black holes really exist by solving the full system of scalartensor field equations for the static, spherically symmetric case. The obtained branches of hairy black holes are in one to one correspondence with the bounded states of the potential governing the linear perturbations of the scalar field. The stability of the new hairy black holes is also examined.
Basic equationsIn the current paper we consider asymptotically flat, static, spherically symmetric scalar-tensor black holes coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics. We choose zero potential V (ϕ) = 0 for the scalar field ϕ and the coupling function between the matter and the scalar field in Einstein frame is A(ϕ) = e 1 2 βϕ 2 , where β is a parameter. Actually this is the simplest choice for the coupling function when the scalar-tensor theories are indistinguishable from the general relativity in the weak field regime, but they can deviate significantly in the strong field regime. 1-3 The nonlinear electrodynamics we use is the Born-Infeld one, but the results presented here are valid for a much larger class of nonlinear electrodynamics.When solving the reduced field equations 2,4 it turns out that for β < 0 more than one black hole solution can exist with the same values of the conserved asymptotic charges (the mass and the charge in our case), i.e. there is nonuniqueness of the solutions in contrast to the case of linear electrodynamics where all of the solutions have trivial scalar field. 5 In order to label the different solutions we use the scalar charge D = lim r→∞ −r 2 (dϕ/dr).The specific choice of the coupling function leads to the fact that the general relativistic solutions are also solutions in the considered class of scalar-tensor theories