Abstract. The PHENIX experiment at RHIC should be sensitive to decays of the the anti-pentaquark Θ − via the K − n channel. Charged kaons can be identified using the standard tracking and time of flight up to a momentum of 1.5 GeV/c. Antineutron candidates are detected via their annihilation signal in the highly segmented electromagnetic calorimeter (EMCal). In order to assess the quality of the anti-neutron identification we reconstruct the Σ → nπ. As an additional crosscheck the invariant mass of K + n is reconstructed where no resonance in the pentaquark mass range is expected. At the present time no enhancement at the expected pentaquark mass is observed in dAu collisions at √ s N N = 200 GeV.The possibility of five quark systems (pentaquarks) has been discussed for more than two decades (see, e.g. Ref The reconstruction of the Θ + pentaquark is technically difficult in PHENIX [12], due to the relatively small acceptance for 3-body final states and the difficulty of detecting neutrons. However, due to the unique signature of anti-neutrons in the highly segmented PHENIX electromagnetic calorimeter, a search for decays of the antipentaquark Θ − → K − n is technically feasible.Charged particles are tracked using the central arm spectrometers [13]. The kaon identification is accomplished by combining their momentum obtained from the tracking detectors with their time-of-flight as measured by the EMCal, shown in fig. 1. The upper limit of the momenta for separating kaons is 1.5 GeV/c, beyond which the contamination by pions becomes too large.The anti-neutron candidates are selected via their annihilation signal in the EMCal. Since there is no independent measurement of anti-neutrons to calibrate the EMCal response, guidance for identifying the anti-neutron signal is provided § For the full PHENIX Collaboration author list and acknowledgments , see Appendix "Collaborations" of this volume.