Classification of high-throughput genomic data is a powerful method to assign samples to subgroups with specific molecular profiles. Consensus partitioning is the most widely applied approach to reveal subgroups by summarizing a consensus classification from a list of individual classifications generated by repeatedly executing clustering on random subsets of the data. It is able to evaluate the stability of the classification. We implemented a new R/Bioconductor package, cola, that provides a general framework for consensus partitioning. With cola, various parameters and methods can be user-defined and easily integrated into different steps of an analysis, e.g., feature selection, sample classification or defining signatures. cola provides a new method named ATC (ability to correlate to other rows) to extract features and recommends spherical k-means clustering (skmeans) for subgroup classification. We show that ATC and skmeans have better performance than other commonly used methods by a comprehensive benchmark on public datasets. We also benchmark key parameters in the consensus partitioning procedure, which helps users to select optimal parameter values. Moreover, cola provides rich functionalities to apply multiple partitioning methods in parallel and directly compare their results, as well as rich visualizations. cola can automate the complete analysis and generates a comprehensive HTML report.