“…The high levels of abdominal lipid in newly emerged S. exempta, supported by ultrastructural evidence (A. Gunn, unpublished results), show that like other Lepidoptera such as Prodenia eridiana (Stevenson, 1968(Stevenson, ,1969 grandiosella (Chippendale, 1971), Danaus plexipus (Cenedella, 1971;Brown & Chippendale, 1974;James, 1984), S.exempta accumulates large quantities of lipid reserves during the larval stage which are held, probably as triglycerides, in the fat body (at emergence the oocytes are immature and constitute a small proportion of the abdominal lipid as well as protein and carbohydrate). As in P.eridiana (Stevenson, 1968), glycogen is present in only small quantities.…”