We compute the binding energy of triton with realistic statistical errors stemming from NN scattering data uncertainties and the deuteron and obtain E t = −7.638(15) MeV. Setting the numerical precision as E num t 1 keV we obtain the statistical error E stat t = 15(1) keV which is mainly determined by the channels involving relative S waves. This figure reflects the uncertainty of the input NN data, more than two orders of magnitude larger than the experimental precision E exp t = 0.1 keV, and sets a limit on the realistic precision that can be reached. This suggests an important reduction in the numerical precision and hence in the computational effort. One of the main challenging goals in theoretical nuclear physics is the ab initio determination of binding energies of atomic nuclei. The accepted protocol consists of undertaking a quantum multinucleon calculation from the knowledge of few-body forces. The simplest case were such a program has been most often investigated is the binding energy of the triton, a stable system consisting of two neutrons and a proton with an experimental mass defect given currently by M t − 2m n − m p = E exp t = −B exp t = −8.4820(1) MeV. Already in the mid1930s quantum mechanical theoretical studies of triton binding allowed researchers to establish essential properties of the nuclear force: its finite range as well as the existence of neutron-neutron interactions (see, e.g., Refs. [1,2] for early reviews). The increasing precision in our knowledge of the two-body interaction has strongly motivated the developments in solving the computationally expensive 3N problem (see, e.g., [3][4][5][6]). While this was partly aimed at establishing the need for 3N forces, high numerical precision in conjunction with realistic and precise nucleon-nucleon interactions has become a major issue by itself in few-body computational methods. In Refs. [7][8][9] benchmarking precisions of E num t = 10, 0.1, 0.01 keV, respectively, have been achieved within different schemes.However, nucleon-nucleon potentials determined from data inherit statistical fluctuations that propagate to the triton theoretical energy into a genuine statistical error E stat t . A pioneering and forgotten attempt already looked at the consequences for triton binding based on an analysis of the inverse scattering in the 1 S 0 channel [10]. In the present paper we quantify for the first time the uncertainty of triton energy E stat t stemming from a complete statistical analysis of 6713 selected nucleon-nucleon scattering data. In our analysis we consider a particular NN potential and disregard the role of 3N forces. While the particular representation of the NN potential may induce changes in the triton binding energy of at most * rnavarrop@ugr.es † e.garrido@csic.es ‡ amaro@ugr.es § earriola@ugr.es 5%, we do not expect significantly larger fluctuations for the statistical error estimated here. Our findings below confirm this naive expectation.The main and most reliable sources of information for the NN interaction are the deuter...