Di¤usions of free and adsorbed molecules of subcritical hydrocarbons in activated carbon were investigated to study the influence of adsorbed molecules on both di¤u-sion processes at low pressures. A collision reflection factor, defined as the fraction of molecules undergoing collision to the solid surface over reflection from the surface, is incorporated into Knudsen di¤usivity and surface di¤usivity in meso/macropores. Since the porous structure of activated carbon is bimodal in nature, the di¤usion of adsorbed molecules is contributed by that of weakly adsorbed molecules on the meso/macropore surfaces and that of strongly adsorbed molecules in the small confinement of micropores. The mobility of adsorbed molecules on the meso/macropore surface is characterized by the surface di¤usivity D m2 , while that in the micropore is characterized by D m1 . In our study with subcritical hydrocarbons, we have found that the former increases almost linearly with pressure, while the latter exhibits a sharp increase at a very low-pressure region and then decreases beyond a critical pressure. This critical pressure is identified as a pressure at which the micropores are saturated.