Host resistance is the most effective and economical method to minimise yield losses caused by rusts. The aim of this study was to detect the presence of resistance in 75 wheat genotypes. The presence of the genes Sr2, Sr24, Lr34, Lr37, Lr46 and Lr68 was investigated using simple sequence repeat and sequence tagged site markers. Quantitative aspects of resistance to leaf rust were assessed through infection response, disease severity, coefficient of infection (CI), disease incidence (DI), leaf tip necrosis (Ltn) and area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) under natural epidemics. Highly significant (p ≤ 0.001) differences were observed among the genotypes for CI, DI, AUDPC and relative AUDPC (rAUDPC). Twenty genotypes exhibited high levels of adult-plant resistance, showing CI less than 20% and AUDPC less than 300%, with moderately susceptible to susceptible reactions. The most frequently occurring gene was Lr46 (21%), followed by Lr68 (20%), Lr34 (19%), Lr37 (11%), and Sr24 (0%). Selection for Lr34 and Lr46 based on Ltn alone can sometimes be misleading because of its variable expression in different genetic backgrounds. Cultivars grown in Zimbabwe lacked important rust resistance genes.