-Natural variation in neuroendocrine traits is poorly understood, despite the importance of variation in brain function and evolution. Most rodents in the temperate zones inhibit reproduction and other nonessential functions in short winter photoperiods, but some have little or no reproductive response. We tested whether genetic variability in reproductive seasonality is related to individual differences in the neuronal function of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone network, as assessed by the number and location of mature gonadotropin-releasing hormonesecreting neurons under inhibitory and excitatory photoperiods. The experiments used lines of Peromyscus leucopus previously developed by selection from a wild population. One line contained individuals reproductively inhibited by short photoperiod, and the other line contained individuals nonresponsive to short photoperiod. Expression of mature gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) immunoreactivity in the brain was detected using SMI-41 antibody in the single-labeled avidin-biotin-peroxidase-complex method. Nonresponsive mice had 50% more immunoreactive GnRH neurons than reproductively inhibited mice in both short-and long-day photoperiods. The greatest differences were in the anterior hypothalamus and preoptic areas. In contrast, we detected no significant within-lines differences in the number or location of immunoreactive GnRH neurons between photoperiod treatments. Our data indicate that high levels of genetic variation in a single wild population for a specific neuronal trait are related to phenotypic variation in a life history trait, i.e., winter reproduction. Variation in GnRH neuronal activity may underlie some of the natural reproductive and life history variation observed in wild populations of P. leucopus. Similar genetic variation in neuronal traits may be present in humans and other species. genetic variation; artificial selection; seasonality; evolutionary physiology; brain variation; gonadotropin-releasing hormone WITHIN-POPULATION GENETIC VARIATION regulating the abundance, location, and connections of neurons must contribute to evolution of brain function. Similarly, natural genetic variation in neuronal traits is presumably responsible for some proportion of intraspecific functional variation in vertebrates. Because neural circuitry regulates reproductive physiology and behavior, neural variation is likely to explain some unknown proportion of life history variation within as well as among species. At present, almost nothing is known about natural levels of genetically based neuroendocrine physiological variation related to life history variation within species of mammals. The physiological link between genes and life history patterns is important because genes must act on life history traits through physiological mechanisms, and thus physiological variation may shape or constrain life history evolution (16). Understanding natural neuroendocrine variation related to life history traits might help us learn how rapidly brains adapt to current cha...