The selection of characters provides the identification of complex characteristics, the objective of the work was to use the Akaike criteria and multiple regressions to prove the multi character selection and the interrelationships based on the Phenotypic, Standardized, Willians, Multiplicative, Mulamba and Mock indexes for the selection of black oat genotypes with high physiological potential of seeds. The study was conducted in Fortaleza dos Valos -RS in an experimental design used in randomized blocks with three replications. The trends for the selection of various Step Wise variables and the Akaike criteria are similar for most selection indices. For selection indexes, the phenotypic index and the standardized index correlate with the morphological characteristics, being mainly for the number of tillers. The genetic and multiplicative indices correlate with the characteristics of the seed. The phenotypic selection index was the one that stood out the most, regardless of the criterion used. This index correlates positively with the number of tillers. To select plants that present superior quality seeds, individuals with characteristics such as smaller panicles and with less spikelet ramifications and less panicle mass are sought.
Highlighted Conclusions1. The phenotypic selection index was the one that stood out the most. 2. To obtain quality seeds, plants with smaller panicles, less spiky branching and less panicle mass are sought.