Hereditary medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is caused by autosomal dominant gain-of-function mutations in the RET proto-oncogene. Associations between specific RET mutations (genotype) and the aggressiveness of MTC and presence or absence of other endocrine neoplasms (phenotype) are well documented. Mutations in six exons (10, 11, 13, 14, 15, and 16) located in either cysteine-rich or tyrosine kinase domains cause one of three distinctive clinical subtypes: familial MTC, multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type 2A (including variants with Hirschsprung's disease and cutaneous lichen amyloidosis), and MEN 2B. Hallmarks of MEN 2A include MTC, pheochromocytoma, and hyperparathyroidism. MEN 2B is associated with an earlier onset of MTC and pheochromocytoma, the absence of hyperparathyroidism, and the presence of striking physical stigmata (e.g., coarse facies, ganglioneuromatosis, and marfanoid habitus). Familial MTC is not associated with other endocrine neoplasms; however, the accurate distinction between familial MTC and MEN 2A may be difficult in kindreds with small size, incomplete histories, or a predominance of young individuals who may not have yet fully manifested the syndrome. Genetic testing detects greater than 95% of mutation carriers and is considered the standard of care for all first-degree relatives of patients with newly diagnosed MTC. Recommendations on the timing of prophylactic thyroidectomy and the extent of surgery are based upon a model that utilizes genotype-phenotype correlations to stratify mutations into three risk levels.