STEM education has received a lot of attention, including in Indonesia, because it is considered capable of preparing competitive students in the 21st century. However, the implementation of STEM learning is constrained because there are no standard guidelines according to the curriculum 2013 (education curriculum in Indonesia). Therefore, the aim of this study is to find an integration formula for STEM learning and the curriculum 2013 based on the synthesis of various literature to find a formula for implementing STEM learning in accordance with the curriculum 2013. This study is a systematic review. The data sources in this research are 46 selected literatures and relevant to the research objectives published between 1996 and 2020. The data sources are literature published in ISBN books, government documents, and journals. The data collected from the literature were analyzed with a thematic model starting with data introduction, initial coding, compiling code within a theme, analyzing themes, naming themes, and relating findings to research questions. The research resulted in a learning step that combines EDP in STEM, the scientific approach in the 2013 curriculum, and project learning steps. The merger produces a guideline for implementing STEM learning in the 2013 curriculum starting from problem identification, making problem-solving designs, design realization, testing and studying product deficiencies, improving products, drawing conclusions, and communicating the findings of the learning process.