Abstract. This study aims to understand the effects of two invented spelling programmes in the development of children's invented spelling, namely to the phonetization of writing and to understand the correlations between phonological awareness and knowledge of letters and the phonetization procedures. Fiftysix five-year-old were divided into two experimental groups and one control group. In the pre and posttests, children's spellings were accessed through pseudo-words that contained fricatives and stops worked during the programmes and other non worked phonemes, both in initial and in final position. In between, G1 worked the grapho-phonetic correspondences of fricatives and G2 of stop consonants. Results show that both experimental groups achieved greater progress in spelling than the control group with no statistically significant differences between the experimental groups. In these groups the participants were able to spell the worked and the non worked phonemes in initial and in final position correctly. In G1, statistically significant differences were found, with better results in the phonetization of the worked fricatives in initial position than in final position. The results also indicated that the number of letters known in the pre-test has a significant correlation with the number of phonetizations in the post-test, whereas phonological awareness does not.
Key words:Invented spelling programmes; preschool children; phonetization procedures; letter knowledge; phonological awareness.de Vasconcelos Horta, I. & Alves Martins, M. (2011). Invented spelling programmes and the access to the alphabetic principle in kindergarten. L1 -Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 11, 1-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.17239/L1ESLL-2011.01 Torres, 179, 1750-142 Lisbon, Portugal. E-mail address: ivhorta@isec.universitas.pt or Margarida Alves Martins, Higher Institute of Applied Psychology, Rua Jardim do Tabaco, 34, 1149
Dutch[Translation Tanja Janssen] TITEL. Programma's voor verzonnen spelling en toegang tot het alfabet in het kleuteronderwijs SAMENVATTING. Doel van dit onderzoek is inzicht te krijgen in de effecten van twee programma´s voor "invented spelling" (spellen naar eigen inzicht) in de ontwikkeling van de spelvaardigheid van kinderen, namelijk op fonetisch schrijven, en om inzicht te krijgen in de samenhang tussen fonologisch bewustzijn en kennis van letters en procedures voor fonetisch weergeven. 56 Vijfjarigen werden verdeeld over een experimentele en een controle groep. Bij de voor-en natoets werd het spellen van de kinderen gemeten door pseudowoorden die frikatieven en 'stops' bevatten, zowel in begin-als eindpositie. Tijdens de interventie werkte de experimentele groep (G1) met grafisch-fonetische overeenkomsten van frikatieven, en de controlegroep (G2) met eindconsonanten. Resultaten wijzen uit dat beide experimentele groepen meer vooruitgingen in spelling dan de controle groep, waarbij de experimentele groepen niet statistisch van elkaar verschilden. In deze groepen wa...