“…In brief, semantic processing is thought to engage anterior and inferolateral temporal regions (BA 38,20,21) as well as inferior prefrontal cortex (BA 47), and the angular gyrus (BA 39;Binder & Price, 2001;Mummery et al, 2000;Vandenberghe et al, 1996). The phonological codes involved in spelling rely on a network of perisylvian cortical regions, including Broca's area, Wernicke's area, the supramarginal gyrus, and insula (Alexander et al, 1992;Fiez, 1997;Omura et al, 2004;Roeltgen et al, 1983). Orthographic knowledge of lexical representations for reading and spelling is thought to engage a critical region within temporo-occipital cortex (BA 37), sometimes referred to as the visual word form area (Beeson et al, 2003b;Cohen & Dehaene, 2004;Nakamura et al, 2002;Rapcsak & Beeson, 2004).…”