An effort is made to study the motion of effective atoms in liquid Na,.,K,,, alloy in terms of velocity autocorrelation function, power spectrum, and mean square displacement analogous to the single particle motion in liquid metals employing the model developed by Glass and Rice in quasi crystalline approximation. The motions of effective atoms are also studied through the collective excitations by computing the longitudinal and transverse phonon frequencies. The results of collective excitations are in good agreement with the molecular dynamics (MD) results. Besides, results of thermodynamical properties such as isothermal bulk modulus and Debye temperature are also presented. The computed values are in good agreement with the results obtained by other theoretical calculations.Es werden Anstrengungen unternommen, um die Bewegung von effektiven Atomen in flussigen Na,,,K,,,-Legierungen mittels Geschwindigkeits-Autokorrelationsfunktion, Leistungsspektrum und mittleren Verschiebungen in Analogie zur Einpartikelbewegung in flussigen Metallen zu untersuchen, wobei das Model1 von Glass und Rice in Quasikristallnaherung benutzt wird. Die Bewegungen der effektiven Atome werden auch mit kollektiven Anregungen durch Berechnung der longitudinalen und transversalen Phononfrequenzen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der kollektiven Anregungen sind in guter Ubereinstimmung mit Ergebnissen der Molekulardynamik (MD). Dariiberhinaus werden die thermodynamischen Eigenschaften, wie isothermer Elastizitatsmodul und Debye-Temperatur, ebenfalls angegeben. Die berechneten Werte sind in guter Ubereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen, die durch andere theoretische Berechnungen erhalten werden.
IntroductionDuring the past two decades the field of liquid state physics has seen remarkable advances both in experimental procedures and in theoretical understanding. The analysis of these liquids is complicated by the presence of many-body forces acting between the atoms and ions. Fortunately, it is possible to construct a theoretical framework that defines effective two-body potentials that are in good agreement with experimental data for the liquid state. Much of the experimental data used to investigate properties of the liquids come from X-ray and neutron scattering studies.In recent years there has been a considerable interest in the physics of liquid metals as well as liquid alloys. Numerous attempts [l to 31 have been made for the study of the structure and dynamics of these systems at their respective melting temperatures. Molecular dynamics is a recent approach to study the atomic motions in these alloys and metals. The instantaneous structure of the liquid metals or alloys can be obtained using X-ray diffraction or neutron inelastic scattering but these techniques give only time independent information about the arrangement of atoms in these systems and hence the dynamic picture could not ') Jaipur 302004, India