SrTiO 3 (STO), as a typical perovskite material, has many interesting physical properties and important applications. Above 105 K, STO has a simple cubic structure. At 105 K, STO undergoes a cubic to tetragonal antiferrodistortive transition with the rotations of TiO 6 octahedra. [1] At very low temperatures, STO approaches a ferroelectric phase transition but it remains paraelectric due to quantum fluctuations. [2][3][4] The doped STO is found to be an unconventional superconductor that does not fit into the standard BCS paradigm. [5,6] STO is also an excellent substrate for the epitaxial growth of many oxide thin films. [7] In recent years, with the development of experiments and theories, the thermal transport properties of STO have received lots of attention, such as the Poiseuille flow of phonons at low temperatures, [8] the unexpectedly large thermal Hall effect, [9][10][11] and tuning of the thermal conductivity. [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21] Thermal conductivity is of vital importance in the practical applications of materials. High thermal conductivity is required in high-power electronic devices [22] while low thermal conductivity is essential in thermoelectric engineering. [23] The high thermal stability renders STO a unique advantage in thermoelectric applications and many other investigations. [24][25][26][27][28][29] Efforts have been made to reduce the thermal conductivity of STO in recent years, such as nanostructures [13][14][15] and defect engineering. [16][17][18] Strain engineering is another approach to reducing the thermal conductivity of STO. [18][19][20][21] For example, Wiedigen et al. grew homoepitaxial STO thin films under different conditions and found that the intrinsic strain caused by preparation-induced point defects could largely change the thermal conductivity. [18] In experiments, heteroepitaxial growth is an effective way to introduce epitaxial strain by lattice mismatch. A previous theoretical research based on the Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire theory suggests that a biaxial compressive or tensile strain will stabilize the ferroelectric state in STO. [1] Near room temperatures, the in-plane polarization in tensile strained STO films is confirmed in the experiment with the DyScO 3 (DSO) substrates. [30] For another work, the compressed STO films grown on ðLaAlO 3 Þ 0.3 ðSr 2 AlTaO 6 Þ 0.7 (LSAT) substrates would have an out-of-plane polarization with a Curie temperature of %148 K. [31,32] Li et al. found that in STO films grown under a sufficiently large biaxial strain(%1%), the ferroelectric transition always precedes the antiferrodistortive structural transition. [33] Another experiment shows that STO films grown on DSO substrates undergo a possible antiferrodistortive structural transition around 180 K. [34] Additionally, theoretical phase diagrams also indicate that at room temperatures STO films grown on LSAT substrates are paraelectric and those grown on DSO substrates are purely ferroelectric. [1,33] Therefore, at room temperatures, no rotation of TiO 6 octahedra...