Metallic atomic junctions pose the ultimate limit to the scaling of electrical contacts 1 . They serve as model systems to probe electrical and thermal transport down to the atomic level as well as quantum effects occurring in one-dimensional systems 2 . Charge transport in atomic junctions has been studied intensively in the last two decades 2,3,4,5 . However, heat transport remains poorly characterized because of significant experimental challenges. Specifically the combination of high sensitivity to small heat fluxes and the formation of stable atomic contacts has been a major hurdle for the development of this field. Here we report on the realization of heat transfer measurements through atomic junctions and analyze the thermal conductance of single atomic gold contacts at room temperature. Simultaneous measurements of charge and heat transport reveal the proportionality of electrical and thermal conductance, quantized with the respective conductance quanta 6 . This constitutes an atomic scale verification of the well-known Wiedemann-Franz law 7 . We anticipate that our findings will be a major advance in enabling the investigation of heat transport properties in molecular junctions, with meaningful implications towards the manipulation of heat at the nanoscale.
IntroductionHeat transport and dissipation at the nanoscale has spurred research interest as it severely limits scaling of high performance electronic devices and circuits 8 . Atomic quantum point contacts represent an ideal platform to investigating heat transport in which quantum confinement effects cannot be neglected. The development of experimental techniques, such as scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and mechanically controlled break junction (MCBJ) enabled the formation and manipulation of monoatomic metallic chains 3,4,5 . Using these techniques, charge transport in atomic junctions has been studied intensively 2,3,4,5 , and, more recently, Joule dissipation 9,10 and thermoelectric effects 11,12 have been successfully probed. Recently, heat dissipation was measured in current-carrying single gold-gold contacts by means of STM with an integrated micro thermocouple in the tip 9 . It was shown that heat dissipates symmetrically into the two contacts, confirming that the electron transmission function T(E) of the junction element around the Fermi energy of the metallic contacts governs this phenomenon. Despite these recent steps forward, the properties of heat conduction through atomic junctions still remain to be fully explored.Electrical conductance in atomic junctions is quantized. A single gold atom contact has a conductance equal to the quantum G0 = 2e 2 /h, where e is the electron charge and h Planck's constant. The Landauer approach used to describe charge transport can also be applied to predict heat transport 13 and predicts the validity of the Wiedemann-Franz (WF) law, which states that the thermal conductance GTH and the electrical conductance GEL are proportional to each other,where T is the absolute temperature and the proportio...