SrTiO3, a quantum paralectric, displays a detectable phonon thermal Hall effect (THE). Here we show that the amplitude of THE is extremely sensitive to stoichiometry. It drastically decreases upon substitution of a tiny fraction of Sr atoms with Ca, which stabilizes the ferroelectric order. When even a lower density of oxygen vacancies turn the system to a dilute metal, one the other hand, THE is drastically amplified. The enhancement exceeds by far the sum of the electronic and the phononic contributions. We explain this observation as an outcome of three features: i) heat is mostly transported by phonons; ii) the electronic Hall angle is extremely large; and iii) there is substantial momentum exchange between electrons and phonons. Starting from Herring's picture of phonon drag, we demonstrate that a quantitative account of the enhanced THE can be achieved. Thus, phonon drag, hitherto detected as an amplifier of thermoelectric coefficients, can generate a purely thermal transverse response in a dilute metal with a large Hall angle. Our results reveal a hitherto unknown consequence of momentum-conserving collisions between electrons and phonons.