We report the observation of LA-phonoriton eigenstates, which are a pump-induced coherent superposition of excitons, photons, and longitudinal acoustic (LA) phonons developing in up-conversion Brillouin scattering of an intense polariton. The excitonic component of the LA phonoritons in a Cu 2 O bulk crystal in the presence of a coherent orthoexcitonic polariton is studied by stimulated twophoton emission spectroscopy. For optical intensities of 30 200 MW͞cm 2 the relevant scale of the pump-induced spectral changes is 5 10 meV. The theory of LA phonoritons in Cu 2 O quantitatively reproduces the experimental data. 63.20.Ls Since the discovery of an exciton in Cu 2 O [1] this semiconductor became a prototype material in the physics of excitons, due to the large binding energy of the groundstate exciton and due to an extremely high quality of the naturally grown crystals. A ground-state 1S orthoexciton of the yellow series (binding energy e x Ӎ 150 meV and Bohr radius a x Ӎ 7 Å) is dipole forbidden. However, at low temperatures the quadrupole interaction between the orthoexciton and the light field leads to a weak, but still well-defined, polariton [2]. Recently, the quadrupole polaritons in Cu 2 O were finally visualized by propagation beat spectroscopy [3].The polariton is an example of a linear mode (coherent superposition of exciton and photon). Usually, this contrasts with purely scattered, incoherent states in, e.g., Raman and Brillouin scattering of polaritons [4-6]. However, when pumped by an intense laser, up-conversion phonon-assisted scattering can reveal a phonoriton spectrum [7][8][9][10][11]. It is a quasilinear mode depending parametrically on the intensity of the pump light. It characterizes a coherent superposition of exciton, photon, and phonon. The phonoriton spectrum associated with optical phonons gives rise to the phonon-mediated optical Stark effect, which has already been observed in some polymers (e.g., polydiacetylene) as well as in the inorganic semiconductors CdS and HgI 2 [12]. In this Letter we report the first observation of longitudinal acoustic (LA) phonoritons. For this purpose we study stimulated two-photon emission (STPE) from virtual excitons created by up-conversion Brillouin scattering of a high-intensity quadrupole polariton in Cu 2 O. Because of the linear dispersion of acoustic phonons the resulting dispersions are different from those of optical phonoritons. Furthermore, the thermally activated LA phonoritons contribute to STPE even at helium temperatures.The quadrupole polaritons in Cu 2 O are characterized by the dispersion equation ͑v