Neutral heterotetranuclear complex Co·~Fe(mpMHmp)(PBun3h 2 (PBu n) -,; tri-n-butylphospbme) of 2mercaptophenol (Hjmp) was synthesized in a molar ratio of CoCI2:FeCI3:Hzmp:NaOMe:PBun3 ; 0.75:0.25: I :2: I under anaerobic conditions. It represents partially Few·substituted form of the asymmetric mixed-valence tetracobalt complex C0 4(mpMHrnp)(PBu'\)3 (1). 2 crystallizes in the triclinic space group pI, with a:; 12.373(2) A, b =15.677(3) A, c:; 20.571 (4) A, a:; 93.59(3)",~== 93.45(3)", Y== 112.300)" , V = 3669 A\ and Z:; 2. The molecule exhibits a cyclic skeleton of Co 3FeS4 0 3 with two doubly Ilz-S bridges, one doubly 1l2-0 bridge, and one singly 1l2-0 bridge. The four mp" ligands display two different modes, QhSb"T and 0tSb, while the monoanion Hmp is only terminally chclated to Fe 3 + ion in HOISt fashion (h stands for bridge, t for terminal, and T for trinuclear). The three Co centers are located in approximately square-based pyramidal environments, and the Fe atom in distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometry. Three types of main fragment ions were observed in the FAD mass spectrum of 2. The dissociation of the fragments follows the order: PBu") first, then Hmp and mp ligands. Moreover, the dissociation of Fe(Hmp) is first, followed by Co(mp) and Cotrnpj-, according with the fact that Fe(Hmp) is only loosely bonded. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements showed that 2 exhibits weak magnetic exchange iIIteractions. 367