Contamination by zooplankton has to a certain extent limited the large-scale cultivation and industrial exploitation of microalgae. However, systematic research on these predators in microalgal culture is still lacking. The identification of zooplanktonic contaminants derived from microalgal cultures is a basis for conducting related studies. Moreover, knowledge of the ecological distribution of such predators is crucial for avoiding or reducing the risk of biological contamination in the management of large-scale microalgal cultures. Understanding the feeding behaviors of zooplanktonic contaminants contributes to the establishment of targeted prevention strategies and control methods. Early detection is essential to allow prevention and control measures to be implemented in a timely and effective way. Reducing the susceptibility of the cultured microalgae to predators through breeding strains selection, the potential of modern molecular methods, or a synthesis of these approaches will be indispensable to the management of zooplankton contamination. Furthermore, exploring the resource utilization of predators helps to understand this issue comprehensively and to turn hazard into wealth. The genus Poterioochromonas is a typical mixotrophic flagellate and has attracted increasing attention because of the dramatic damage it can inflict on a wide range of microalgal cultures, regardless of the culture system, season, or environment. This review explores our current understanding of the predator Poterioochromonas and the areas where further research is needed, which should stimulate reflection on what we still need to know about these predators from a microalgal culture perspective and how we can utilize them.