Na/K-ATPase (NKA) activity is dynamically regulated by an inhibitory interaction with a small transmembrane protein, phospholemman (PLM). Inhibition is relieved upon PLM phosphorylation. Phosphorylation may alter how PLM interacts with NKA and/or itself, but details of these interactions are unknown. To address this, we quantified FRET between PLM and its regulatory target NKA in live cells. Phosphorylation of PLM was mimicked by mutation S63E (PKC site), S68E (PKA/ PKC site), or S63E/S68E. The dependence of FRET on protein expression in live cells yielded information about the structure and binding affinity of the PLM-NKA regulatory complex. PLM phosphomimetic mutations altered the quaternary structure of the regulatory complex and reduced the apparent affinity of the PLM-NKA interaction. The latter effect was likely due to increased oligomerization of PLM phosphomimetic mutants, as suggested by PLM-PLM FRET measurements. Distance constraints obtained by FRET suggest that phosphomimetic mutations slightly alter the oligomer quaternary conformation. Photon-counting histogram measurements revealed that the major PLM oligomeric species is a tetramer. We conclude that phosphorylation of PLM increases its oligomerization into tetramers, decreases its binding to NKA, and alters the structures of both the tetramer and NKA regulatory complex.The sodium/potassium pump Na/K-ATPase (NKA) 2 is essential to establish the sodium/potassium concentration gradient across the plasma membrane (1). Besides being the foundation for the membrane potential, the sodium/potassium gradient created by NKA is the basis for many other cotransport and exchange processes (2). NKA plays a particularly important role in cardiac function. Disordered sodium/potassium handling is associated with heart disease (3), and targeting NKA with inhibitory drugs is one of the oldest, most effective treatments for the inadequate contractility of the failing heart (4).NKA is functionally regulated by PKA/PKC-dependent signaling pathways (1-6). These pathways impinge on phospholemman (PLM; or FXYD1), a 72-amino acid regulator of NKA in cardiac tissue (6 -9). PLM inhibits NKA activity by reducing its apparent sodium affinity (8, 9). Tonic inhibition of NKA by PLM is relieved upon phosphorylation by PKA or PKC (10 -13). Notably, deletion of PLM abolishes the PKA-or PKC-mediated regulation on NKA (10 -13), emphasizing the central role of this regulatory interaction.Recently, much progress has been made elucidating the structural basis for the functional regulation of NKA by PLM. NMR studies showed that PLM adopts an L-shaped structure with a single membrane span (14). The N-terminal half of the protein consists of an extracellular domain containing the signature Phe-X-Tyr-Asp (FXYD) motif, followed by a transmembrane ␣-helix. Another helical domain on the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane contains the phosphate-accepting residues Ser-63 (PKC site) and Ser-68 (PKA/PKC site) (9,14). This positively charged domain appears to associate with the surface of the...