Two classes of compous which bind to calnodulin in a calciumdependent manner (neuroleptic drugs and local anaesthetics) were used to investigate the possible involvement of a calcium-dependent regulator protein in the action of the plant hormones cytokinins.The cytokinin-induced synthesis of betacyanin in Amarandus tricolr seedlings was used as one test system. The calmodulin antagonists inhibited betacyanin synthesis with the following order of potency: fluphenazine > trifluoperazine = pimozide > chlorpromazine > dibucaine > penfluridol > haloperidol > tetracaine, over a concentration range (ICs,) KV. This conclusion is supported by inhibitory effects of uncouplers used for destroying proton fluxes and of inhibitors of membrane ATPases (5).Previous work on the Amaranthus system has, in addition, given evidence of Ca2" involvement in betacyanin accumulation (see Discussion). Hence, in view of the widespread involvement of calmodulin in many Ca2"-regulated events (see references in Ref.#9), the present study was undertaken to see if certain drugs which inhibit calmodulin-dependent processes have any effect on the cytokinin-regulation of betacyanin synthesis. Preliminary experiments on the use of trifluoperazine m this system have been reported (9). The second cytokinin-regulated response (control of cell division in cell cultures) was included in this study to explore the generality of the drug effects on cytokinin action.
MATERIALS AND METHODSChemicals. Benzyladenine, dibucaine, chlorpromazine, tetracaine, and L-tyrosine were from Sigma. Generous gifts of chemicals were received from the following companies: E.R. Squibb and Sons (fluphenazine dihydrochloride), Searle Laboratories (haloperidol), Janssen Pharmaceutica Pty. Ltd. (pimozide and penfluridol), Smith, Kline, and French Laboratories (trifluoperazine).Standard Assay Conditions for Betacyanin Accunulation. Methods have been described elsewhere (7) for the germination of seeds ofAmaranthus tricolor and the pretreatment ofhalf-seedlings (ie. cotyledons plus the top 5 mm of the hypocotyl). Aging of half-seedlings in water (1.5 h at 40°C followed by 1.5 h at 25°C) was found to maximize subsequent cytokinin-induction. The basic induction-medium was 5 mM L-tyrosine (betacyanin precursor) in 10 mm K2HPO4-NaH2PO4 (pH 6.8) ± 0.5 ,UM BA (synthetic cytokinin), and the incubation was at 25°C for 24 h in the dark. Betacyanin was extracted in 3.33 mm acetic acid and measured at 537 nm (7).Soybean Callus Assay. The procedure of Miller (24) was used for the growth of soybean callus material and the assay of cytokinin-dependent growth. Cultures were maintained on standard medium with the addition of 0.5 pM BA and 30 ,UM IAA.
RESULTSAssays of betacyanin accumulation in Amaranthus half-seedlings in the absence and presence of BA (0.5 ,UM) are shown in Table I