Soil metal contamination such as lead (Pb) is a threat to human health and the ecosystem. In situ phosphate (P) treatment is being evaluated as a cost-effective remedial strategy for reducing the human health and ecological risks associated with lead-contaminated soils. A long-term, integrated risk assessment was performed to examine the stability of P-immobilized soil Pb and verify the environmental safety of phosphate treatments. Urban soil in the Jasper County Superfund Site, Missouri, containing *4,000 mg Pb kg À1 , was treated with phosphoric acid (H 3 PO 4 ) at a rate of 10 g kg À1 by three application methods: rototilling (RT); surface application (SA); and pressure injection (PI). Soils and plant samples were collected 8-10 years posttreatment and analyzed for Pb bioaccessibilty, Pb leachability, plant uptake of Pb, microbial toxicity, chemical fractionation of Pb, and solid-phase Pb speciation. Results showed that, in all cases, P treatment significantly reduced soil bioaccessible and leachable Pb, and the reductions were maintained throughout the sampling period. Rototilling appeared to be the most effective for overall risk reductions. Lead uptake in plant tissues was positively correlated with soil Pb bioaccessibilty, and no significant negative impacts of P treatment on soil microbial toxicity were observed. Chemical fractionation analyses indicated that risk reduction by P treatment was achieved through the reactions that transformed labile Pb species to relatively insoluble forms, presumably through the formation of pyromorphite-like minerals. This study demonstrates that soil treatments using soluble P would result in long-term health and ecological risk reductions of Pb-contaminated soil without an adverse effect on the environment.