Twenty-four yearling 11-month old Nellore steers initially weighing 180 kg were assigned to three treatments in a randomised complete block experiment lasting 392 days. Animals grazed continuously either Yaragua grass (Hyparrhenia rufa) or Yaragua/Stylo legume (Stylosanthes guianensis) and received the following treatments: A) Control, Yaragua plus common salt, B) Yaragua/Stylo plus common salt, and C) Yaragua/Stylo plus dicalcium phosphate/common salt (1:1). Mineral consumption in the three groups averaged 52 g per animal day-1. At 13 months daily liveweight gains/steer were 0.182, 0.409 and 0.483 kg for treatments of Yaragua, Yaragua/Stylo, and Yaragua/Stylo plus dicalcium phosphate/common salt mixture. Daily liveweight gains per ha were 0.488, 1.289, and 1.522 kg steer-1 for Yaragua, Yaragua/Stylo plus common salt and Yaragua/Stylo plus dicalcium phosphate/common salt. Steers receiving a legume (stylo) in the diet more than doubled weight gains (P less than 0.05) compared to controls with dicalcium phosphate further (P less than 0.05) increasing these gains.