Water-Related Scientific Activities of the U.S. Geological Survey in Nevada, Fiscal Years 1989-90 Compiled by M. Teresa Foglesong MESSAGE FROM THE NEVADA DISTRICT CHIEF The U.S. Geological Survey has been collecting water-resources data in Nevada since 1890. Most of the projects that constitute the current Nevada District program can be classified as either basic-data acquisition or hydrologic interpretation. About 25 percent of the program focuses on collection and dissemination of basic data on Nevada water resources, including operation of streamflow gages and groundwater level networks, and monitoring of the quality of ground and surface water. The remaining 75 percent of our program involves interpretive hydrologic investigations and research. About 51 percent of our activities are in cooperation with State and local agencies. Technical projects and data collection supported by other Federal agencies make up about 26 percent of the program, and the remaining 23 percent consists of fully funded USGS data collection, interpretive projects, and research.