27Phosphorus (P) is present in diets either as naturally occurring P from raw materials or added 28 as an inorganic salt, however little is known about postprandial kinetics of P absorption in cats.
29Here we describe several studies quantifying postprandial kinetics following the ingestion of 30 diets of varying composition. Briefly, cats were fed a meal consisting of 50% of their metabolic 31 energy requirement in a randomized crossover design. A pre-meal baseline blood sample was 32 taken via cephalic catheter and repeated measurements taken regularly up to 6h post meal to 33 assess whole blood ionized calcium, plasma P and parathyroid hormone (PTH) concentrations.
34A diet containing total P 4.8g/1000kcal, sodium dihydrogen phosphate (SDHP, NaH2PO4) 35 3.5g/1000kcal, Ca:P 0.54 caused a marked increase in plasma P from baseline to a peak of 36 1.976 mmol/L with 95% confidence interval (1.724, 2.266), p<0.001, whereas a diet containing 37 total P 3.38g/1000kcal, no added inorganic P, Ca:P 1.55 resulted in a postprandial decrease in 38 plasma P (p=0.008). Subsequent data indicate that added inorganic P in the diet (above 39 0.5g/1000kcal) causes an increase in plasma P in cats while diets with low added inorganic P