“…The authors are Barbara J. Baker, ASABE Member, Soil Scientist, and Kevin W. King, ASABE Member Engineer, Agricultural Engineer, USDA-ARS Soil Drainage Research Unit, Columbus, Ohio; H. Allen Torbert, USDA-ARS National Soil Dynamics Laboratory, Auburn, Alabama. Corresponding author: Barbara J. Baker, USDA-ARS Soil Drainage Research Unit, 590 Woody Hayes Dr., Columbus,OH 43210; Mobilization of phosphorus can be broadly broken down into two categories: physical detachment and subsequent entrainment of particles on which P is bound, and chemical processes in which phosphate ions are released into solution (Dougherty et al, 2004). In grassland systems, physical detachment is limited due to dissipation of raindrop impact by the canopy (Easton and Petrovic, 2004).…”