Element P in Andisol soil is absorbed by amorphous minerals such as allophane, imogolite , and amorphous Al/Fe. This study aims to determine the retention and availability of P as well as differences in soil chemical properties on land with monoculture and polyculture cropping patterns. Parameters measured were available-P, P-retention, texture, CEC, Corganic , pH (H2O, KCl , NaF ), Potential-P, Al/Fe/Si with three selective solvents. The sample used 3 replicates at 2 depths (0-20cm and 20-40cm) and 2 different locations, namely Ngablak Subdistrict and Getasan Subdistrict. The data obtained were processed using ANOVA for the RCBD design and LSD Fisher’s follow-up test. P retention data in Ngablak Subdistrict showed significantly different results, while those in Getasan Subdistrict were not significantly different. Available P did not show any significant difference, but the availability of P was higher in polyculture land. On agricultural land in Ngablak Subdistrict, cropping patterns have a significantly different effect on soil properties in the form of P retention and C-Organic. Meanwhile, on agricultural land in Getasan Subdistrict, cropping patterns had significantly different effects on soil properties of pH H2O, pH KCl , Potential-P, amorphous Al + Fe , and Allophane + Imogolite.