In Archaea, acetate formation and ATP synthesis from acetylCoA is catalyzed by an unusual ADP-forming acetyl-CoA synthetase (ACD) (acetyl-CoA ؉ ADP ؉ P i % acetate ؉ ATP ؉ HS-CoA) catalyzing the formation of acetate from acetyl-CoA and concomitant ATP synthesis by the mechanism of substrate level phosphorylation. ACD belongs to the protein superfamily of nucleoside diphosphate-forming acyl-CoA synthetases, which also include succinyl-CoA synthetases (SCSs). ACD differs from SCS in domain organization of subunits and in the presence of a second highly conserved histidine residue in the -subunit, which is absent in SCS. The influence of these differences on structure and reaction mechanism of ACD was studied with heterotetrameric ACD (␣ 2  2 ) from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus in comparison with heterotetrameric SCS. A structural model of P. furiosus ACD was constructed suggesting a novel spatial arrangement of the subunits different from SCS, however, maintaining a similar catalytic site. Furthermore, kinetic and molecular properties and enzyme phosphorylation as well as the ability to catalyze arsenolysis of acetyl-CoA were studied in wild type ACD and several mutant enzymes. The data indicate that the formation of enzyme-bound acetyl phosphate and enzyme phosphorylation at His-257␣, respectively, proceed in analogy to SCS. In contrast to SCS, in ACD the phosphoryl group is transferred from the His-257␣ to ADP via transient phosphorylation of a second conserved histidine residue in the -subunit, His-71. It is proposed that ACD reaction follows a novel four-step mechanism including transient phosphorylation of two active site histidine residues: ADP-forming acetyl-CoA synthetase (ACD) 2 (acetyl-CoA ϩ ADP ϩ P i % acetate ϩ ATP ϩ CoA) is a novel enzyme in Archaea that catalyzes the conversion of acetyl-CoA and other acyl-CoA esters to the corresponding acids and couples this reaction with the synthesis of ATP. This unusual synthetase has first been detected in the eukaryotic protists Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia (1, 2). In our group, ACD activities have been identified in all acetate-forming Archaea tested, including anaerobic hyperthermophiles and aerobic halophiles (3, 4). The conversion of acetyl-CoA to acetate by one enzyme is unusual in prokaryotes and appears to be restricted to Archaea, since all acetate-forming bacteria, including the hyperthermophile Thermotoga maritima, utilize two enzymes, phosphate acetyltransferase and acetate kinase, for acetate formation and ATP synthesis (4, 5). In anaerobic hyperthermophilic Archaea, e.g. Pyrococcus furiosus, ACD represents the major energy-conserving reaction during peptide, pyruvate, and sugar fermentation to acetate (4, 6, 7). Two ACD isoenzymes, ACD I and ACD II, have been characterized from P. furiosus, which differ in their substrate specificity for CoA esters. ACD I preferentially utilized acetyl-CoA and is involved in sugar degradation, whereas ACD II is involved in peptide fermentation (8).Subsequently, ACDs have been...