Biomass production by plants is often negatively correlated with respiratory rate, but the value of this rate changes dramatically during diurnal cycles, and hence, biomass is the cumulative result of complex environmentdependent metabolic processes. Mitochondria in photosynthetic plant tissues undertake substantially different metabolic roles during light and dark periods that are dictated by substrate availability and the functional capacity of mitochondria defined by their protein composition. We surveyed the heterogeneity of the mitochondrial proteome and its function during a typical night and day cycle in Arabidopsis shoots. This used a staged, quantitative analysis of the proteome across 10 time points covering 24 h of the life of 3-week-old Arabidopsis shoots grown under 12-h dark and 12-h light conditions. Detailed analysis of enzyme capacities and substrate-dependent respiratory processes of isolated mitochondria were also undertaken during the same time course. Together these data reveal a range of dynamic changes in mitochondrial capacity and uncover day-and night-enhanced protein components. Clear diurnal changes were evident in mitochondrial capacities to drive the TCA cycle and to undertake functions associated with nitrogen and sulfur metabolism, redox poise, and mitochondrial antioxidant defense. These data quantify the nature and nuances of a daily rhythm in Arabidopsis mitochondrial respiratory capacity. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 9:2125-2139, 2010.Biomass production by plants is by definition the remainder of the subtraction of the respiratory rate from the photosynthetic rate. The values of these rates change both in diurnal cycles and across plant development, and hence, biomass is the cumulative result of these dynamic metabolic processes. The photosynthetic rate and its underlying determinants, capacities, and limitations have been extensively investigated, quantified, and modeled in plants (1, 2). Although there have been a range of studies analyzing changes in respiratory rates in response to light, temperature, and CO 2 (3-6), there has been relatively little analysis of the molecular determinants of respiratory capacity or their potential to fluctuate during the daily light and dark cycles of plant growth.Mitochondria in photosynthetic plant tissues are known to undertake substantially different metabolic roles during light and dark periods. These changes are thought to be largely driven by fluxes in metabolism that provide different substrates to mitochondria. During the day, under photorespiratory conditions, glycine is a major substrate for mitochondrial respiration (7-9). On transfer to darkness, organic acids derived from photosynthetically derived triose phosphates are the first respiratory substrates for several minutes (10, 11); later, organic acids from the breakdown of transitory leaf starch provide the majority of respiratory substrates for hours (11). In situations of extended darkness for days, protein degradation can provide amino acids as substrates for respiration...