Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) DNA is chromatinized during latency and consequently regularly digested by micrococcal nuclease (MCN) to nucleosome-size fragments. In contrast, MCN digests HSV-1 DNA in lytically infected cells to mostly heterogeneous sizes. Yet HSV-1 DNA coimmunoprecipitates with histones during lytic infections. We have shown that at 5 h postinfection, most nuclear HSV-1 DNA is in particularly unstable nucleoprotein complexes and consequently is more accessible to MCN than DNA in cellular chromatin. HSV-1 DNA was quantitatively recovered at this time in complexes with the biophysical properties of mono-to polynucleosomes following a modified MCN digestion developed to detect potential unstable intermediates. We proposed that most HSV-1 DNA is in unstable nucleosome-like complexes during lytic infections. Physiologically, nucleosome assembly typically associates with DNA replication, although DNA replication transiently disrupts nucleosomes. It therefore remained unclear whether the instability of the HSV-1 nucleoprotein complexes was related to the ongoing viral DNA replication. Here we tested whether HSV-1 DNA is in unstable nucleosome-like complexes before, during, or after the peak of viral DNA replication or when HSV-1 DNA replication is inhibited. HSV-1 DNA was quantitatively recovered in complexes fractionating as mono-to polynucleosomes from nuclei harvested at 2, 5, 7, or 9 h after infection, even if viral DNA replication was inhibited. Therefore, most HSV-1 DNA is in unstable nucleosome-like complexes throughout the lytic replication cycle, and the instability of these complexes is surprisingly independent of HSV-1 DNA replication. The specific accessibility of nuclear HSV-1 DNA, however, varied at different times after infection. E ukaryotic DNA is packaged into nucleoprotein complexes known as chromatin. The basic unit of chromatin is the nucleosome, 146 bp of DNA wrapped 1.75 turns around a histone octamer composed of two copies of each histone 2A (H2A), H2B, H3, and H4 (33). Linker histone H1 binds at the core nucleosome entry and exit points, stabilizing the core nucleosome, and to linker DNA in between nucleosomes. H1 also promotes further compaction of chromatin into higher-order structures (23,50,51). The chromatin structure is classically probed with nucleases (61). The endonuclease micrococcal nuclease (MCN), for example, preferentially cleaves linker DNA between nucleosomes (2, 19). Mild MCN digestions first cleave linker DNA sparsely, releasing polynucleosomes, which are eventually cleaved to mononucleosomes. Therefore, MCN digestion of regularly chromatinized DNA results in protection of polyand mononucleosome-size DNA fragments. Under more stringent digestion conditions, MCN eventually degrades even the DNA in mononucleosomes.MCN has also been used to characterize specialized chromatin structures and intrinsically unstable nucleosomes. Centromeres, for example, are specialized chromatin structures responsible for the equal segregation of chromosomes at mitosis. They contai...