Abstract:We report the first example of an alkene with two carbon-bound substituents (imidazole and imidazolium rings) where the Z-isomer has agreater thermodynamic stability than the E-isomer which persists in both the gas phase and in solution. Theoretical calculations,s olution fluorescence spectroscopyand gas-phase ion mobility mass spectrometry studies confirm the preference for the Z-isomer,the stability of which is traced to an on-covalent interaction between the imidazole lone pair and the imidazolium ring.The greater thermodynamic stability of E-stilbene 1 (and Edisubstituted alkenes in general) over the Z-isomer, and the thermal/photoisomerism between the two forms,are concepts taught to virtually every chemistry student. Cases where the cis-orZ-isomer has greater thermodynamic stability are rare, mostly limited to di-halo (e.g. 2)ordimethoxy alkenes (e.g. 3), monohalo-propenes and 2-cyanopropene with strong electron-withdrawing atoms/groups are directly bound to the alkene.The phenomenon has been coined the "cis-effect" and the underlying rationale for the effect has been the subject of study over the last fifty years.[1] Allyl anions also adopt a Zconfiguration, particularly when coordinated to am etal counter-cation, however calculations suggest that the Zconfiguration is also preferred in the gas-phase anion. [2] Ford ifluoroethylene the Z-isomer is calculated to be more stable than the E-isomer by 4.5 kJ mol À1 at the CCSD-(T) level, while the effect is somewhat weaker in the other cases.[1i] Them ost recent proposals suggest the origin of the cis-effect in difluoroethylene arises from agreater correlation energy of the Z-isomer in combination with steric attractions between the s-and p-type lone pairs on Fatoms present in the Z-isomer.[1j]Here we report on the first example of anon-cyclic alkene bearing two carbon-atom-bound groups (a benzimidazole and benzimidazolium ring) where the Z-isomer is more thermodynamically stable than the E-isomer.Itisdemonstrated that non-covalent interactions between the benzimidazole and benzimidazolium ring is the most important factor in stabilizing the Z-isomer.All geometry optimizations were carried out in the gasphase with the B3LYP density functional [3] and 6-311+ ++ +G-(d,p) basis set [4] within Gaussian 09.[5] Stationary points were characterized as minima by calculating the Hessian matrix analytically at this level of theory.For comparison, geometries were optimized with B3LYP-D3(BJ), [6] yielding deviations of less than 0.005 in calculated bond distances to the B3LYP geometry.Molecular orbitals (MO) and natural bond orbitals (NBO) were calculated at the B3LYP/6-311+ ++ +G(d,p) level of theory.N BOs were calculated with the NBO 5.9 program. [7] Single-point energies were calculated at the B3LYP/6-311+ ++ +G(d,p) gas phase geometries.D FT (including TD-DFT) and HF calculations were carried out within Gaussian 09, [5] with solvent effects employing aP CM approach [8] with Tr uhlarsS MD model with acetonitrile.[9] DLPNO-CCSD(T) [10] calculations with the...