Atoms, MoleculesZeiischrift a n d C l u s t e r s fflr Physi k D © Springer-Verlag 1992 Shake-off effects on the production and decay Abstract. An improved form of the radiative-Auger-cascade model is presented in which the shake-off contribution is incorporated into the model in a mathematically consistent way, avoiding the problem of double counting. The higher charge state distribution found in the photoionization experiment of the 1 s electron in Ne is shown to be predominantly due to the shake-off effect during the formation of the 1 s hole, and not during the cascade decays as previously assumed. This shake-off contribution is estimated in the sudden approximation, in terms of overlaps between the neutral and singly ionized ions. An excellent agreement with experiment is obtained in the case of Ne + with 1 s hole. The details of the X-ray and Auger spectra are also predicted by the new model both for the Ne and Mg ions. The shake-off effect on the resonant processes in general is discussed.