Chromium mobilization and isotope fractionation during water-rock interaction in presence of the biogenic siderophore desferrioxamine B (DFOB) was studied with batch leaching experiments on chromitite and other igneous oxide and silicate rocks. Siderophores are a group of organic ligands synthesized and excreted by bacteria, fungi and plants to enhance the bioavailability of key nutrients like Fe. However, the DFOB siderophore also has a strong affinity for complexation with other metals such as Cr, U and rare earth elements. Here we show that leaching of rocks in the presence of the hydroxamate siderophore DFOB significantly increased the mobilization of Cr from all investigated rocks and caused an enrichment of the heavier 53 Cr isotope in leachates from chromitite (δ 53 Cr leach = +0.15 ± 0.087‰ to +2.14 ± 0.042 ‰) and from altered silicate rock (δ 53 Cr leach = +0.48 ± 0.07‰). In contrast, stable isotope fractionation of Cr was not observed in DFOB leachates of pristine silicate and low-Cr oxide rocks. Leaching in the presence of citric acid significantly enhanced Cr mobility, but did not result in fractionation of Cr isotopes. Chromium isotope fractionation is used in geochemistry as a quantitative proxy for oxidative weathering, because Cr(III) is oxidized *Revised manuscript with no changes marked to Cr(VI) in presence of MnO 2 and the associated Cr isotope fractionation is commonly linked to the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere. Our findings indicate that the presence of specific biogenic ligands with a high affinity for Cr are also able to fractionate Cr isotopes. The presence of biomolecules like siderophores during weathering, hydrothermal alteration or during mineral precipitation, therefore, may put constraints on the applicability of certain trace metals and their isotopes as redox proxies in modern and past environments. The results of our study also suggest that siderophores may have a high potential for (bio)remediation of Cr-contaminated sites and detoxification of contaminated natural waters. 1. Introduction Chromium occurs as Cr(III) and Cr(VI) redox species in the natural environment. While the former is rather immobile and non-toxic, the latter is mobile and considered toxic (Fendorf, 1995). Under present-day atmospheric conditions, Cr(VI) is the thermodynamically most stable redox species of Cr and, hence, Cr mobility is significantly increased during oxidative weathering. The mobile anionic species are chromate, CrO 4 2-, and bichromate, HCrO 4-. The aqueous Cr(VI) species solubilised during weathering enters streams, rivers, and ultimately the ocean (Oze et al., 2007). Chromium is used in a variety of technological applications such as electroplating, dyeing and tanning, and as such, significant quantities are introduced into the environment as a contaminant. The mobile form, Cr(VI), is considered carcinogenic (Kortenkamp et al., 1996) and its input into groundwater and surface water may have serious effects on flora and fauna. Hence, the remediation of Cr-contaminated soils and natur...