One of the strategies to reduce the contents of the low density lipoproteins (LDLs) in a blood is a hemoperfusion, in which case they are selectively retracted from plasma by an adsorber located outside the patient body. Recently, a photo-controllable smart surface was developed for this purpose characterised by high selectivity and reusability [C.Guo et al., ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022, DOI:10.1021/acsami.2c07193]. We present a mesoscopic model for such a setup involving the azobenzene-containing polymer brush and the model LDL particles. The latter comprise an uniform spherical core covered by a shell of elongated particles representing phospholipids. The system is studied using the coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation. We examined the dependences of the binding energy on both the length of polymer chains and the grafting density of a brush, and established optimal conditions for the adsorption. These are explained by a competition between the concentration of azobenzenes and phospholipids in the same spatial region, flexibility of polymer chains, and excluded volume effects.