“…Schulz et al [5] performed high resolution at 3 meV in the photon energy range 44-53 eV to resolved new relativistic features of highly excited resonances of Ne converging to different fine structure threshold 2p 4 ( 3 P)3s 2 P and 2p 4 ( 3 P)3p 2 P states of Ne + . Using the Screening Constant by Unit Nuclear Charge (SCUNC) formalism, Sakho [6] reported accurate Photoabsorption data of Ne and of Ne-like Na + , Mg 2 + , Al 3 + , Si 4 + , P 5 + , S 6 + , and Cl 7 + ions. Recently, Müller et al [7] investigated single, double, and triple photoionization of Ne + ions by single photons at the synchrotron radiation source PETRA III in Hamburg, Germany.…”